A quantitative approach for chemical kinetics assessment of the vitrinite maturation within the overstressed areas.

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    © Astakhov S.M.
    A quantitative approach for chemical kinetics assessment of the vitrinite and kerogen maturation within the overstressed areas.

    Close to natural processes modeling of the catagenetic maturation of the sediments and organic matter is the key for certainty and accuracy increasing of the evaluation of the source rocks generation potential. Significant efforts at the second half of the 20th century for analyzing the laws of regional catagenetic zoning formation which works in the most parts of the sedimentary basin (usually the central non-deformed areas). Against this background, the central question that motivates this paper is a well-known fact that the maturation and the maturation indicating parameters (such as vitrinite reflectance, VR) increase in the faulted, tectonized areas. It has become abundantly clear that these areas has additional missing organic matter (OM) maturation factors, except the temperature and time.

                The analysis was based on the original section from Preverkhoyan foreland and Vilyui basin (Eastern Siberia). When we refer to the geomechanical structural reconstruction results, everyone can observe the most important fact - the VR high values corresponding increase in the parameter responsible for the main compressive stress!

    The data from a few experiments not allow at this stage to estimate the contribution of the mechanical energy into certain reactions (Ei) kerogen (vitrinite) transformation. Therefore, prior to the establishment for a wide practice of geochemical studies works on the pyrolysis of samples in the deformed and non-deformed state, it is assumed the following scheme for "modification" of the spectrum of the kinetic reactions involving dynamocatagenesis.

    The standard model (Sweeney and Burnham, 1990) suggests that the temperature and time can be defined as the ones influenced the VR increasing.  But here we can enter the stress depended value Estress to decrease the activation energy according the forth standing order. Decreasing the activation energy, we increase the reactions rate that lead to the observed transformation ratio (using the vitrinite reflectance).

    The featured scheme combining geomechanical reconstructions and kinetic calculations represents a real tool for modeling of the dynamocatagenesis intensity using the current approaches existing in software packages for modeling hydrocarbon systems. The use of the proposed scheme is reasonable in areas of direct proximity (20-30 km, up to 50 km) with the orogeny structures, foldbelts, in areas of complex tectonics to reassess their resources.

    The large-scale experimental studies are needed to determine the kinetics of OM transformation of source rock samples from all over the world in the deformed and non-deformed conditions. In practice pyrolysis study of all the major source rock suites in the new version with the use of deformations and / or differential confining pressure are needed to readjust. Additional techniques of the paleotemperature studies of rock samples are need to be implemented as a verification. For example, the fluid inclusions studies.

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