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“Wildcat” is the geological and analytical project . The project is a regular column on the website georeactor.ru.

The project main goals are:

- Present to the Russian community the world’s experts in geochemistry and basin modeling, involved in the exploration process as well as the theoretical problems of hydrocarbons generation, migration and accumulation;

- Observe the most actual challenges of the oil&gas exploration works and the geochemichal and petroleum systems research directions according to the opinion of each central figure of the “Wildcat”.

The form of the interview:

The formula of the project is a brief interview. It allows revealing on the one hand the main steps of the great man life’s journey, how it was going and with whom he was coming to the present position held, and on the other side to understand what motivates him now, what issues concern and motivate the gelogist today. By defining wilcats (wells he would like to drill tomorrow), honored geologist demonstrates so beautifully the potential challenges and issues that he will decide tomorrow.

Also note that before starting the international "Wildcat. 5 wells", in 2012 the Southern Russia analytical project was performed.

Five famous geologists were interviewed during the "Wildcat. 5 wells - SOUTH". They emphasized more than 10 new direction of exploration works in this perspective region. 25 wells were mapped and less than a half of a year we now going to conduct megaregional 3D basin and petroleum system modeling over this territory by the Russian government exploration program. The interviews and the post-project summary are available only in Russian for now.


Язык - Language

Южно-российский геолого-аналитический проект "WildCat. 5 скважин"

  • Мосякин Александр Юрьевич
  • Багатаев Рамазан Магомедович
  • Сенин Борис Васильевич
  • Моллаев Зелимхан Хусейнович
  • Сианисян Эдуард Саркисович